Improving Your Health To Improve Your Life

2 Pill-Alternative Forms Of Pain Relief

When you experience constant or near-constant pain in any area of your body, it is important to receive the proper pain relief. There are several ways you can treat your pain without taking medications in a pill form. Here are two options for pain relief in the form of prescription topical pain relievers and natural herbal pain remedies when you need to avoid oral pills or capsules. Topical Pain Relievers Read More 

Suffering From Poor Vision & Bad Headaches

Dealing with blurred vision is the type of thing that can interfere with your daily life. For instance, it often leads to bad headaches that are not easy to get rid of and can cause you to become unproductive. Frequent headaches that are accompanied by poor vision should not be brushed off as something minor because it could signify a serious underlying condition. Numerous things can cause someone's vision to become blurry, so you might want to visit an optometrist to pinpoint the reason for you experiencing it. Read More 

Women’s Health: 3 Benefits To Seeing Your Gynecologist Annually

Yearly visits to your gynecologist are important. While pelvic and breast exams are important, they aren't the only reasons to visit a doctor specializing in gynecology. There are many facets to women's health care, and they can all be addressed by visiting your OBGYN. So even if you decide to opt out of your annual pelvic exam, you should still visit your women's health doctor every year. Why? Here are three good reasons: Read More 

Receiving Hyperthermia Cancer Therapy in a Clinical Trial

Cancer is one of the scariest health problems in the world, and the medical industry is doing all it can to cure it. One of the most promising new treatment methods is hyperthermia. Anyone with cancer who is interested in receiving this treatment, though, will have to do so in a clinical trial.  The Nature of Hyperthermia Hyperthermia is a promising cancer therapy currently being tested in a variety of clinical trials. Read More 

Tips For Keeping A Sick Child Calm On The Way To The Doctor

When your child is sick and you've scheduled a visit with the family doctor, the appointment can't come soon enough. Children who are ill may become difficult — you may have a struggle to get them into the car, for example, and they may also fuss or cry on the way to the doctor and even while in the waiting room. As the parent, you want your child to feel that the situation is under control, given that feeling sick can occasionally be scary for some children. Read More