Improving Your Health To Improve Your Life

Maintaining An Osteoporosis-Friendly Diet: Three Things You Need To Know

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease that causes decreased bone mass and bone quality. In the United States, experts estimate that around 10 million people already have the disease, while another 18 million Americans are at risk of getting the disease. Various factors, including genetics, lifestyle and alcohol intake, can all increase the risk of osteoporosis, but dietary changes can help mitigate some of the risk. If a doctor diagnoses you with osteoporosis, find out how your diet can help you deal with the problem. Read More 

Why You Should Seek Counseling Services For Your Unplanned Pregnancy

If you are young and unmarried and recently discovered you are pregnant, you may think you have a lot of time to make the decision as to what you should do about your pregnancy. Unfortunately, you don't have as much time as you think. A baby grows full term in 40 weeks, and this period of time can go quickly. Instead of putting off this decision, you should seek help from a pregnancy counselor so you can have all the information you need to make a good decision. Read More 

Phobias: Help Your Loved One Get Over Their Irrational Fear Of The Unknown

If your loved one's fear of the unknown becomes so severe and intense that it threatens to destroy their life, you may wonder if there's something deeper going on with them. Fear is something most people experience at some point in their lives, such as the fear after getting into an auto accident or visiting the doctor's office. The individuals generally learn to deal with their fears by conquering the things that cause them. Read More 

3 Tips For Lowering Your Risks Associated With Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a rare but serious neurological condition that can appear with little warning, and its underlying cause is not always identifiable. Although most people will not experience GBS in their lifetime, it is important to minimize your risk factors and know the symptoms. Know Your Risks Most incidences of GBS are seemingly spontaneous, and there is some conflicting information on medications and vaccinations that could be associated with an increased risk of developing GBS. Read More 

Eyeing Solo: A Single Senior’s Guide to Cataract Surgery Recovery

If you're at the age when health issues tend to arise more frequently than back in your younger days, it can require great effort on your part to deal with the changes alone. Your vision plays an important role in how you cope. So if you start experiencing blurry sight, night vision problems, and a duller appearance of things that you know are brightly colored, it's time to check with your optometrist about the possibility that you've developed cataracts. Read More