2 Pill-Alternative Forms Of Pain Relief

When you experience constant or near-constant pain in any area of your body, it is important to receive the proper pain relief. There are several ways you can treat your pain without taking medications in a pill form. Here are two options for pain relief in the form of prescription topical pain relievers and natural herbal pain remedies when you need to avoid oral pills or capsules.

Topical Pain Relievers

When you experience pain in different parts of your body and you are not able to take pain medications by pill form, you can find relief by applying medication onto your skin. In a situation where you cannot take a pill for relief, you still can find medication relief with a prescription-strength pain reliever with the use of a cream, spray, or skin patch. 

There are several types of prescription creams, sprays, and patches you can use on the painful area or to help with overall body pain. This can actually be a better way of treating pain right at its origin, instead of taking prescription pain medications orally, where the medication goes throughout your entire body.

Some of the prescription treatments will reduce tissue inflammation by applying it onto that section of skin. Other types of prescriptions can also work by blocking substances in your body that cause you pain. Talk to your doctor about your options that can work for your situation and about getting a prescription.

Natural Pain Remedies

White Willow Bark

Another method to treat pain in your body without taking a prescription oral pain medication is by seeking out and using herbal and natural remedies. White willow bark is taken from ground bark of the white willow tree and contains the chemical salicin to reduce your body inflammation, fevers, and pain. You can find willow bark in a liquid form, which you can add to hot water to make a tea. You can also use the dried form of willow bark to make a tea. 

Salicin is similar to the main ingredient found in aspirin, and should not be taken with dosages of ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin. And don't take it if you are at risk of bleeding, as it can prolong bleeding time in your wounds while you take it. But this pain and inflammation reducer will relieve your pain and inflammation longer than over-the-counter pain relievers and is more gentle on your stomach.

Make willow bark tea by adding two teaspoons of ground willow bark or chunks of willow bark to every eight ounces of water. Let the mixture simmer on your stove for ten minutes, then take it off the heat and let it steep for 30 minutes. Strain the bark from the tea with a cheesecloth or other fine wire mesh strainer. It can be helpful to add cinnamon or honey to the tea to improve its taste. It is recommended to drink three to four cups (24 to 32 ounces) of the tea to get the desired pain relief.

Camphor, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus 

All three of these oils are helpful in relieving pain and inflammation when they are rubbed onto your skin topically. You can create your own topical pain-relief rub with these three oils added to coconut oil and beeswax, which helps you deliver the oils uniformly onto your skin. 

In a double boiler or in the microwave, melt one-half cup coconut oil and two teaspoons of beeswax pellets. Stir until they are combined, let the mixture cool for a couple minutes, then add five drops each of camphor oil, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil. Mix until it is well combined and allow it to cool to a solid.

When you are ready to apply it onto your skin for pain and inflammation relief, scoop a spoonful into your hand. It will immediately begin to melt from your skin's heat. Apply it onto your skin and rub it into the area.

Use this information to help you treat and relief your pain. 
