Improving Your Health To Improve Your Life

How To Help Your PANDAS Child Avoid Strep Infections

If your child has been diagnosed with pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS), you'll need to do as much as possible to prevent your child from getting strep infections. Your child has a high risk of having a PANDAS episode with each strep infection. According to PANDAS Network, some people report that subsequent PANDAS episodes worsen each time they have a strep infection.  So how, exactly, can you keep your child from getting strep while attending school, especially when children are well-known for spreading germs? Read More 

The Well-Pampered Patient: Recovery Tips for Tummy-Tuck Surgery

You've made the big decision to have a procedure that is going to change your life for the better—a tummy tuck surgery. And you're committed to the ongoing lifestyle change that will help make it a major success for you and those you share your life with. Your plastic surgeon has evaluated your health status and concurs that this is the right time to go ahead with abdominoplasty, the formal name for this operation in which excess fat is removed. Read More 

4 Benefits Of Vaporizing Medicinal Marijuana

With the increasing use of marijuana as treatment option for different medical conditions, there is also an increase in routes to administer medicinal marijuana. One alternative is to use vaporizers instead of smoking. There are several benefits associated with vaporizers, which can make marijuana less stigmatized and easier to use. Reduced Stigma Even when you use marijuana for medicinal purposes, there may remain a stigma attached to its use. This can make it difficult to utilize marijuana in public smoking areas, or you may be concerned about the smell inside your home. Read More 

5 Tips For Your Baby’s First Pediatric Exam

After you and your baby are released from the hospital, you will likely schedule an appointment with your newborn's pediatrician. Most newborn appointments are scheduled within a day or a week after birth. If your pediatrician has privileges at your birth hospital, their initial exam may even be completed before you leave the hospital. This is an important examination that allows your doctor to fully examine your new baby and gives you the time to ask questions about newborn care. Read More 

A Few Ways To Improve Clitoral Sensitivity

Female sexual dysfunction affects approximately 40 million women in America. There are a variety of reasons why women and transgender individuals with vaginas may be unable to experience sexual pleasure or orgasms. However, one particular reason this may occur is clitoral insensitivity. Here are a few reasons why the clitoris may become less sensitive and treatments that may fix the problem. Causes of Clitoral Insensitivity Possibly the most common reason why the clitoris may become less sensitive to stimulation—thus resulting in a poor sexual experience or failure to orgasm—is due to hormonal problems. Read More