How To Naturally Eliminate Pimples On Your Skin With Fruit

Pimples are something a lot of people deal with on a regular basis, and teens are most commonly affected by these unsightly bumps on the skin. If your teenager is struggling with pimples, he or she may be able to eliminate them by using a variety of different types of fruits. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that can be effective for eliminating pimples, and here are some of the options your teen could try.


The fruit and peel of an orange contain high amounts of Vitamin C and ascorbic acid, and both of these ingredients are ideal for treating pimples. When using this method, begin by washing your hands thoroughly and rinsing the orange off to remove any bacteria or dirt from it. Next, peel the orange and place the peels and fruit on a plate. You can then use both parts of the orange to treat your acne, and you can do this by following these steps:

  1. Rinse your face with warm water to help open your pores.
  2. Rub the outside part of the orange peel on your pimples.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the orange onto your dish.
  4. Place a cotton ball in the juice and dab it on your pimples.
  5. Rinse with cool water when finished.

Using oranges is effective for treating pimples, because the ingredients they contain can help kill the bacteria that cause pimples to form. This could also help you prevent further pimples from developing. This method is safe and effective, and you can perform this daily as needed.


One of the best ways to fight pimples and acne is through antioxidants, and strawberries are packed full of them. Strawberries also contain salicylic acid, which is another ingredient known for fighting pimples. If you want to use strawberries to clear up your pimples, you will also need raw honey. Mixing these two ingredients together is a perfect combination for this common skin problem. Here are the instructions to follow to use this method:

  1. Wash three whole strawberries with water and remove the stems.
  2. Mash the strawberries in a small bowl.
  3. Mix in two teaspoons of the raw honey.
  4. Place this mixture on your clean skin, focusing primarily on the areas that contain pimples.
  5. Rinse the mask off with warm water after 30 minutes.

You could also squeeze in a few teaspoons of fresh lemon juice into the mixture before applying it to your skin. Lemon juice contains antioxidants too and can cleanse and brighten your skin. You can use this method daily to remove and reduce the acne you have on your skin.


The third type of fruit you could try for eliminating your acne is tomatoes. Tomatoes contain high amounts of antioxidants and are acidic. They are great for eliminating bacteria in your skin, and they can help reduce the size of your pores.

To use tomatoes for this purpose, you should start with clean, dry skin. Next, rinse off a tomato to remove the dirt from the outer part. You can then cut the tomato into pieces and rub the inner part of the fruit over your pimples. Let the juice remain on your face for around 30 minutes and then rinse with cool water. If you would like to see results quickly with this method, perform these steps twice a day.

Using fruit to clear up pimples is an affordable, safe, and easy way to achieve this. If you have other problems with your skin or would like professional help, contact a dermatologist in your area or check out a website like to schedule an appointment to learn more about the treatment options available. 
