Determining The Cause Of Your Breathing Problems: Is It Asthma, Allergies, Or Both?

Not being able to breathe can put you into a serious panic. Having a panic attack because you cannot breathe only makes the problem worse. When you are ready to breathe easier and better, it may be time to visit an allergist and/or asthma specialist. They will help you determine the cause of your breathing problems.

Is It Allergies?

Allergies are almost all upper-respiratory. Your sinuses will be congested and/or runny, with tickles in your throat. Your ears may even feel plugged. You will constantly try to gasp for more air by breathing through your mouth, which is never pleasant for you or anyone around you. The allergist will perform a series of tests to see if your upper respiratory issues are allergies, as well as uncovering exactly what is causing such a harsh reaction.

Is It Asthma?

With asthma, your breathing stops in your lungs, not your nose. Regardless of how much you struggle to breathe in more air, and have no problems breathing through your nose and mouth, you still cannot seem to get enough air. Your chest may feel tight, like someone has your rib cage in a vice and is squeezing tight. Your breath may also become hoarse and raspy, making your voice sound like a long-time heavy smoker's voice. All of these signs point to asthma and not allergies.

Is It Both?

Asthma is easily triggered by an allergy. In fact, more often than not, many allergy sufferers also have asthma. If you experience ALL of the above symptoms simultaneously, you may be having an allergy-related asthma attack, which is difficult to distinguish from a very serious allergic reaction where the throat closes and the chest tightens. Thankfully, an asthma specialist and and allergist can work together to help control your symptoms and prevent a nearly fatal asthma attack brought on by an allergy.

Remaining Calm

Finally, be aware that whatever your diagnosis is, you should always try to remain calm. Crying a lot and getting frantic makes allergy symptoms worse because your tears are adding to the mucous in your sinuses. Panicking causes your chest and lungs to contract inward, and forces your heart to beat faster, which in turn magnifies the pain and fear you are feeling. As much as you want to freak out about breathing, you will need to learn how to control your reactions and emotions so that an allergy or asthma attack does not get worse.\

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