Everything You Need To Know About Getting A Covid Test

Covid-19 is a part of regular life now, which means getting tested is also a normal part of life. If you have never been tested for Covid-19, you may have a lot of questions. If you would like to know more, keep reading.

Why Should You Get a Covid Test?

There are many reasons to get a Covid-19 test, but the main reason is that you have symptoms of Covid-19. Symptoms of Covid-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, loss of smell, loss of taste, sore throat, and vomiting. It may also be a good idea to get tested if you were recently exposed to someone with Covid-19, whether they had symptoms or not.

In some cases, you should get a Covid-19 test even if you don't believe you are sick. Tests are required before most procedures like surgery, endoscopy, etc. Pregnant women should also make sure to get tested. You may also want to get a test if you plan to visit someone who is more susceptible to Covid-19, like seniors.

Where Can you Get Tested for Covid?

Luckily, there are now many ways to test for Covid-19. If you need a test before a procedure, your doctor will likely have you come into the office for the test. However, you can also buy over-the-counter rapid Covid-19 testing kits. In addition, there are Covid-19 testing sites that allow you to make appointments or drop in for a test.

What Happens During a Covid Test?

In most cases, technicians use a nasopharyngeal swab to test for Covid-19. During the test, the technician inserts a long cotton swab up each nostril and swirls it around to get some material for testing. If you have a wet cough, your doctor may want a sample of the mucous. In some cases, the technician will use an oral swab test.

After the technician collects the sample, they test it. PCR molecular tests help determine if you have active Covid-19, and antibody tests indicate whether you have Covid-19 antibodies, which tells the doctor you have or had recently had Covid-19. Finally, the antigen test determines if the virus is present.

What if You Test Positive for Covid?

If you took a Covid-19 test before a procedure and the test is positive, your procedure will be rescheduled. You will also need to isolate yourself for at least five days. After the five days, if your fever is gone and you're feeling better, you can end your isolation. However, if you still have a fever or other symptoms, you'll need to continue isolation for about 10 days.

If you are able to leave the house after the five-day isolation period, you should wear a mask around others. If you cannot wear a mask, continue isolation until day 10.

Covid-19 can cause serious symptoms, and it can be deadly for many people. For this reason, you should get tested when needed and when you show symptoms. If you would like to know more, contact a provider in your area today.
